E05 478 566 350 170 or Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assays,E05 478 566 350 170 or Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assays
ELISA Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays Code 90320007 SNOMED,Mouse or mice from the Mus musculus species are used for production of mouse monoclonal antibodies or mabs and as research model for humans in your lab. Mouse are mature after 40 days for females and 55 days for males. The female mice are pregnant only 20 days and can give birth to 10 litters of 6-8 mice a year. Transgenic, knock-out, congenic and inbread strains are known for C57BL/6, A/J, BALB/c, SCID while the CD-1 is outbred as strain.
Arrestins (abbreviated Arr) are a family of proteins which are important in the
regulation of signal transduction G-protein coupled receptors, which at first was discovered, as part of
a conserved two step mechanism for regulating the activity of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCR) in
rhodopsin visual system by Ursula Kuhn found Scott court, and β-called Global Martin J. Lohse system and
kidney and colleagues.